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Gratitude Reflection Challenge

Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

Being grateful is ideally a daily practice and mindset, but I am the first to admit this is not an attitude I always keep at the forefront of my mind. I am pretty calm and collected on the outside, but I get easily triggered by pet peeves and other irritations. That said, I do take time each week to reflect on the good — and the bad — things that have happened to find what I can be grateful for. Whether it’s a day that appeared to be heading in a bad direction that turned out positively or deep, meaningful conversations with family and friends, I try to write these things out in detail and absorb what they teach me about my values and myself.

November is understandably a time when many of us make it a point to reflect on what we’re grateful for both because of Thanksgiving and because we’re nearly done with the year. With this in mind, I wanted to present my idea for a Gratitude Reflection Challenge that I wanted to participate in but also wanted to share with my readers and followers. Most gratitude challenges are about looking for ways to be thankful for the people and environments around you while you complete the challenge, but I wanted to position this one to be about the things that happened in 2019 that you can reflect on and be grateful for. Some are as big picture as the goals you accomplished this year and others are as small (but meaningful) as a new restaurant you tried this year.

Download the image below to your phone to keep it close by. You can also save it to your computer and print it out to remind you to participate. And if you follow me on Instagram, I’ll be posting weekly reminders with the prompts for the week. You can tag me in your reflections or keep them to yourself. Don’t overthink the process too much, worrying about making it look cute. Just write down your reflections in a notebook or in your planner and reflect on the good — and maybe even the difficult — things that you learned and experienced this year.